Board of Police Commissioners - Get Involved!

Editorial by Victoria Shah

  • Do you believe that the current policing system is not working, as a whole or in part?

  • Are you concerned about police misconduct and disparate treatment?

  • Do you have questions about the benefits vs. risks of surveillance and Artificial Intelligence technology usage in law enforcement (i.e. Facial Recognition, Shot Spotter, Evolv, Body Worn Cameras, etc.)?

  • Have you wondered if the Detroit Police Department (DPD) is efficiently using your tax dollars to maximize public benefit?

  • Do you think citizens should be considering alternative ways to manage public safety?

  • Are you ready to improve the relationships between citizens and police; and change the narrative of policing in Detroit?

If you answered yes (or maybe) to any of these questions, then you need to engage with the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners (BOPC)!

What is the BOPC?

The BOPC is a civilian volunteer (unpaid) 11-member elected/appointed body that has supervisory control and oversight of the DPD. The Board also hires and maintains an administrative team (paid) that is responsible for day-to-day operations. As set forth in the Charter, this civilian Board has significant power over policing – partnering in setting policing policies, approving DPD budget, handling citizen complaints against DPD, approving promotion and discipline, and reporting. The great news is that, as citizens of Detroit, this is our Board! The bad news is that we aren’t leveraging it to its greatest potential. (Read more... Detroit City Charter, pages 66-70.)

Untapped Potential

The Board has so much untapped potential to make meaningful police reform and increase accountability. Here are some of the areas of potential for BOPC today. Tell BOPC that We the People insist on the best possible law enforcement oversight, including these improvements!

  • Process Improvement: BOPC processes are outdated, lack efficiency, and don’t provide enough value. The excessive backlog of citizen complaints, as referred to in multiple media outlets, is an example of this opportunity.

  • Independent Analysis and Transparency: BOPC must assign their administrative team to independently analyze DPD's data, processes, and technology. It is not effective oversight for BOPC to only accept the internal analysis and reporting that DPD conducts on themselves. This independent analysis will give the Board the tools needed to make data-driven decisions. Results should be presented by the Board (or administrative team) to the public in meetings, and made easily accessible on the BOPC website. Currently, the BOPC website is confusing to navigate, contains outdated content, and new content is missing or slow to publish.

  • Community Engagement: BOPC needs a more effective community education and outreach strategy. This needs to include getting feedback from the public on how the meetings can be structured to provide more public value.

  • Administrative Bench Strength: BOPC is currently hiring for positions on their administrative team – Secretary to the Board, Chief Investigator, Attorney, administrative assistants, and several investigators. The Board needs to take this opportunity to diversify the skillsets of their administrative team members to include less law enforcement-related and political-agenda driven background; and instead include more analytical, business process improvement, and advanced leadership skills.   

Get Involved

Attend meetings and make public comment:

  • Community Meetings: Every 2nd Thursday @ 6:30pm

    • In Person: Check the BOPC Website for the location of the next community meeting.

  • Regular Meetings: Every Thursday @ 3pm (except on Community Meeting Thursdays)

    • In Person: Detroit Safety Headquarters; 1301 Third Street

  • Zoom (Community and Regular Meetings):

    Call one of these numbers:

                   1 (267) 831-0333

                   1 (312) 626-6799   

    Enter the BOPC Meeting ID 81981390642 and press ##

  • Sign up for 2-minute public comment in advance:

  • Not sure what to talk about?

    • Bring a concern or compliment for DPD and/or BOPC

    • Make recommendations to address the areas of potential mentioned above

    • Share your vision for public safety in Detroit

    • Ask a DPD or BOPC related question

  • Committee meetings are also open to the public. More info at the BOPC website.

Get to know your Police Commissioner:

  • Enter your address in the City Council tool to find the Commissioner for your District.

  • Invite him/her to your block club/community meetings

Victoria Shah has been a Detroit resident for over 20 years. She is a community organizer, President of the Grand River Community Block Club, certified Six Sigma Black Belt, and has a Bachelors of Business Administration from Davenport University.